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July 18, 2010

A Shout Out to Good Old St. Nick!!!!

The Scene:  
Today's drive home from church.

The Dilemma:  
My ability to understand some aspects of CATIese.

The Subject:  
Cati singing.
Picture it as you read...

Cati:  "Ho Ho to Santa! Ho Ho to Santa" (She is moving around and I think it's dancing)

Confued Me:  What?

Cati:  "Ho Ho to Santa!"

More Confused Me:  Cati, what are you singing?  Ho Ho to Santa?  Is that what you sung in Sunday School today? 

Cati:  Yeah. Then Silence. Apparently no further clarification is needed.

Growing Impatient Me: Are you celebrating Christmas in July or something?

Cati:  I think I heard crickets and possibly a distant cough. No response available at this time.The singing then resumes.

Exasperated Me:  After 801 more rounds of a ho ho to Santa, I say, "Cate?  What song are you singing?"

Equally Exasperated Cati:  HO HO TO SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly Enlightened Me:  OHHHHHHHH!  Are you singing HOSANNA????

And this is the song she is trying to sing...

Hosanna Rock

Hosanna (Put hands to mouth like yelling) I was wondering why she was bellowing for Santa.
Ho, ho Hosanna (put hands to mouth like yelling)
Hosanna (do the twist) this explained the animated yet limited movements that one can do in a car seat.
Ho, ho Hosanna (continue doing twist)

Whew.  So happy to clear that up but that's when she starts singing the next chorus...

"Everybody, Everybody plays the Lord!"
"Everybody, Everybody plays the Lord!"

Ever LITERAL Me: "Um, Cati?  It's PRAISE the Lord." (this took like 5 minutes for this correct pronunciation to sink in).

Then I hear Ella chime in..."Airbody Airbody paze the WARD!" Waving her hands enthusiastically for emphasis.

Just precious. 

So when we got home I asked Cati to do the hand motions so I could snap some pictures.  
I am a proud Momma of my gospel loving, getting her praise on, cutie patootie girl.
Ho, Ho to Santa (Translation...Ho, ho, HOSANNA!)
Action shot :)

This was a big finish on the word LORD and if I am not mistaken she may have added jazz hands.

God, thank you for these girls.


  1. This is definitely one to keep for her scrapbook! Oh my goodness, I just love the innocence and enthusiasm..childlike faith of little ones. Thanks for sharing this precious part of your day.

  2. Super Duper cute! Sure does make a mom's heart soar to hear them singing praises doesn't it :) Nothing better :)

  3. LOVE it! What an adorable story.

  4. THat is just so precious! God knows what they are singing!! He delights in them and their praises. How sweet what those girlies come up with, huh? I wish I could give them a big squeeze!

  5. Oh my heavens, I LOVE this post and those girls and that mother of theirs. Yep, I truly do.


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