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December 31, 2009



Everyone is wishing a Happy New Year to everyone in bloggity blog land. And here it is...let's see...47 minutes to New year's and what is an exhausted mother of a 1 and 3 year old with no cable to do; who had party invites but wondered what to do with the kiddos past the 9 pm breaking point?

Um, go to bed to the soothing sounds of 85 gazillion neighbors setting off fireworks now 46 minutes too early before 2010.

Signing off in the year 2009 as it goes out in my hood with a literal bang.

Happy New Year Sweet Friends!


  1. Oh yes it was loud here and I was stuck inside with the flu...but Happy New Year anyways!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  2. Happy New Year! I am grabbing your button because it is just too cute. =)


I love, love, love, comments and I read every one! Please keep in mind that I sometimes moderate each one so it may take a bit before it appears on the post. Thanks my sweet friends!