Attach a paper bookmark as a tag or get one from me when I someday have an Etsy store and finally sell my felt bookmarks like the one in the pic! Oh, someday...focus, Jess.
Fabric & Measuring Tape Wrap: OK. If anyone gave me a gift like this I would heart them forever. I love, love, love anything fabric and this is one of those gifts you give when you know something about that person. Like me, I love fabric so this would be a gift within a gift because I would use the fabric too! Oh how fun. Plus, it is reusable. (That's for my green peeps). And isn't the measuring tape perfect?
OK, I am weary from all that fake gift wrapping. So no more pictures. I am just too tired. But brilliance I have. Okay, no. Just ideas.
Lifetime Set of Ornaments: Obviously, a gazillion people out there do ornaments each each year for their kids. It was done for me and probably for a zillion of you. But I grew into this anal retentive woman who needs everything with a theme. It is ridiculous but it is the essence of me. So. I decided that my girls can do whatever they want with their tree but we are going to give them a silver ornament each year. It may be different but the unifying factor will be silver. There are so many other way you can do this. Some people do a hallmark ornament each year. Maybe a repetitive theme like a tree full of santas, snowmen, angels, etc. How about an annual photo ornament? I like the idea of collecting vintage numbers, cookie cutters, spelling family members names...really, the list is endless.
Ornament Set for a family: Why not buy a pretty set of ornaments and attach them to a set of gifts you are giving to a particular family or group of friends? You can use them in lieu of gift tags and in the end that family has a new set of ornaments for the tree.
Whew. This post took it out of me. I am off to bed but I promise to be a better planner next week and not wait until the last minute.
Happy Tuesday!
Uh finally, another post! What does a girl have to do around here for daily updates. Just kidding. Mommy bloggers get a Thanksgiving break too right? I love your ideas Jess! I wish I could only implement them. Oh wait, I did. You inspired me with the Thanksgiving tree and I did it. Did you see the pictures. Gavin actually wrote that he was thankful for Heaven and, of course, his xbox was the first thing he wrote.
ReplyDeleteI heart YOU! And now that I've promised you something "pretty for helping me out this coming weekend... I supposed I Know how to wrap it now, too!
ReplyDeleteI love these ideas so much and plan to use a few of them to wrap my gifts this year. You rock...
I like the idea of a unifying theme for lifetime ornaments. With that being said, I'm not sure what my unifying element will be since I just bought my first ornaments for my kids and they are little sock monkeys. Adorable, but I don't know what theme that will fit into exactly.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I also decided to follow my mom's tradition, as well, of making each of my kids an ornament each year. Now that one is really fun. :)
Great ideas!!
ReplyDeleteThe result is soo unique and original!!
Thanks for sharing this.. :)