This tip is probably one that I personally need the most because I feel like I am always on the go and never organized to be on time. I am usually very organized but having children has caused me to let things go. Also, I am a stickler for being on time...OK, I was a stickler for being on time but children and their never ending surprises that cause delays has fixed that for me. Now I am always late. To church. To a play date. To whatever I plan to do. But this tip helps me throw things together last minute and run out of here.
I really think this one is a great one but it requires some consistency and planning. I have a philosophy that you need to GET organized to BE organized. I also love this because it applies to kids of all ages, including adults.
This all started when I began bagging grapes because I could probably eat a whole bag of them in a sitting. Those little sweet pieces of fruit can pack on calories and pounds if you are not careful so I started putting 15 to 20 of them in little baggies to keep my portion sizes more reasonable. Then I thought, why don't I do this all the time and with other snacks too? So I did.
Tip #2 Creative Fragrance Fresheners
I love things that smell good. I love the smell of coffee brewing, walking outside by a house drying clothes in the dryer, baking bread, a baby after a bath, a burning candle, and even the smell of fresh air on a cool day. They evoke memories & even affect my mood. So I strive to make anything smell good in my house. And if you know me well, I am really weird when I smell something. I never knew I was weird about it until my family starting making fun of me for it. If I pick something up to smell it, I put my nose almost on it and inhale like I am trying to consume all of the smell and pack it right up there in my nose. Attractive image, right? I guess I am not a dainty smeller. If you need proof, watch my Cati smell something. She'll just put her nose right on it. When she smells a cupcake, frosting is on her nose. Since Cate is my little Mini-Me I guess we just don't do things half way.
Enough about my exuberant smelling methods.
So here are some fun things I found that work to freshen up the house with happy smells...
Grind citrus fruit in the disposal. I love this because I have pushed some forgotten food down there that ends up making my kitchen smelly with a yucky odor. Grinding lemons makes it smell so good and lasts too.
Dryer sheets. I put these over air vents or in storage boxes with out of season clothes. I learned this in college when my room could get funky from smells from the hallway. Bring some in your suitcase when you go to a hotel room too. It works!
Simmering spices on the stove. I do this every Autumn through Christmas. I fill a pot with water and throw cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and vanilla extract in there and let the pot come to a rolling boil while the steam lets off a wonderful, spicy fragrance. This is my favorite time of year and the house seems so homey during this season so this just makes it extra special. Be careful though. I have ruined pots forgetting it was on there so consider a low temperature to make it last and not blacken a pot.
Essential Oils. Don't laugh but a few drops of this can freshen your toilet. Of course, clean toilet water is good too but this is just extra. :D I used to have lavender linen spray I received as a gift and never used. So one day I poured a little in the toilet and it ended up smelling the bathroom so nice! Pretty funny, I know. But it was better then throwing it away. Plus, if you don't like it, flush it away!
Happy Tuesday Friends!
The snack organization tip is absolutely fabulous!! I love it, I really do!! I have tried to do this before, but just have a basket in the pantry. It gets so unorganized so quickly that I usually end up with a bunch of pre-bagged stale snacks in the bottom of the basket! I am definitely going to put some drawers in and try this out. And I so love that we have the same heart for organizing, isn't it great?!